Spider Attack

A very small village in England had a massive tunnel leading to an unknown place. Whenever somebody tried to enter the tunnel the guards normaly stoped them unless they are well suplied and they have the courage. Sadley, nobody ever made it back. It was also a punishment for criminanls. When ever someone did something really bad they were sent into the tunnel.

A large steel door blocked the entrance to the tunnel. It could only be opened by the goveners key. 100 guards guarded the large door. On a bad day most of the town was normal the people who passed by noticed more guards then ussually guarded the door.

There were very large pounding noises on the other side, humungus dents appeared. Suddenly, the door exploded!

The many guards rushed forward and started to fight something. Giant hairy legs fought back! Colosal terantalas came chargeing through the tunnel. The people scattered in fear each trying to get there family and escape. The few guards left also backed up untill each one had a house to protect. The colosal spiders were coming into the town by the hundreds.

They rampaged through the town like demons(wich they were of course) destroying evry thing and evryone in there path. Then something really strange happend, massive lights appeard in the sky.

The spiders scattered as a wave of torpedos crashed down on them. When the aircraft came into veiw, they were gynormose. The spiders turned into water if they were hit. Soon all the spiders that hadn't been "waterd", as the survivers called it, scurried back into the tunnel to be never seen again.

The aircraft sealed up the tunnel opening with a indestructible force field. The aircraft then disaperd in a flash of light and wind. The survivers rebiult there town and lived piecefully for the rest of there lives.
