Knights of the Misty Isles
Here is the story the boys wrote for you[Boston], this is how the Knights really act. All pretty much verbatim from their mouths. With a few literary embellishments and adjectives.

Once upon a time in the Kingdom of the Misty Isles……

The Knights were eating breakfast when a messenger came in to talk to the King. "Your Majesty, our town is in danger. A fierce frost dragon has been coming down from the Frosty Mountains and eating our cattle. Mr. Farmer Brown's farm was frozen solid." The Knights said, "Lets check it out"

So the Knights followed the messenger back to the town of Gunkirk. "I'll look for some tracks." Sir Ben said, "The rest of you go check out farmer Brown's fields." When the Knights examined Farmer Brown's fields, they found everything was crushed and frozen. Sir Ben, the Greatest Tracker, found Dragon tracks back up into the Frosty Mountains. One would think that a flying dragon wouldn't leave tracks, but being the great tracker that he is, Sir Ben was able to find traces caused by the air pressure created by the downward wing strokes of the beast.

Meanwhile, Sir Grayson shouted "Fire Sword!" and his sword burst into flame. He then commanded his shield to ignite as well. With the fire and heat generated from his sword and shield he began to thaw out Farmer Brown's farm. The other Knights started talking to the townspeople to find out what has been happening in town.

"It was horrible!" said one.
"It was huge!" said another.
"It was frosty!"
"It is Summertime and it started snowing" complained another.

The Knights decided they needed to follow the tracks up into the mountain and take the battle to the beast. As they headed up the mountains, Sir Logan used his magic staff to create heat bubbles around each of his brothers in order to keep them warm as they traveled through the frigid Frost Mountains.

Sir Ben lead the way, following the tracks deeper and higher into the mountains. Sir Ben shot a water arrow from his magic bow into the air to see how cold it was. It froze immediately after leaving the protective warmth of the heat bubbles. "Man, it is cold." Said Sir Dyson.

"I see a cave up there." Said Sir Grayson, so they went into the cave. The cave was a frozen ice cave, with icicles hanging down like sharp teeth. The floor was slippery, even more so as the heat bubbles caused the ice to melt as they traveled. Suddenly, the icicles started dropping. The Knights had walked into a trap! The Frost Dragon had set up this trap as a warning in case anyone tried to sneak into his cave.

Sir Griffon got stabbed in the arm by one of the icy spears. He grunted in pain but shattered the next one that dropped towards him with his Vorpal Axe. Sir Griffon looked towards the roof of the tunnel and saw hundreds more of the deadly spikes waiting for a victim. "Sir Logan, take care of them" Sir Griffon said, pointing towards the ceiling of the cave. "Fireballs online, maximum spread" Sir Logan shouted as he launched a searing blast of fire towards the deadly icicles. In a blast of heat and steam the danger had been neutralized.

The Knights continued down into the cave tunnels and came upon a large cavern with a freezing wind blowing from it, so cold, they could feel it even through the heat bubbles. They knew they had found the Frost Dragon at last!

"Maybe we can sneak up on it" said Sir Grayson.
"No, we need a plan." Sir Logan said.
"Sir Logan, cast a spell to make us smell like ice so he doesn't smell us coming." Sir Griffon stated.
Using his magic staff, Sir Logan made all the Knights smell of ice, blending in with the environment of the icy caves. Sir Griffon and Sir Dyson had enough of talking, they rushed into the cave to confront the Frost Dragon and end the danger to the town of Gunkirk.

Icy, the Frost Dragon had been waiting for the Knights. His icicle trap had woken him up from his sleep. He always felt sleepy after a nice meal of frozen cows and chickens. He used his magic to spy on the Knights as they were sneaking through his tunnels. Icy knew of the Knights and knew that unless he was careful, this would be his last battle. When he saw the two foolish Knights rush into his lair, he dropped the Ice Net he had hidden over the entrance, and they were frozen, unable to move. "Easy pickings" thought the Dragon.

Sir Ben saw the Ice Net drop upon his brothers, and saw them immediately frozen. Thinking quickly, he shot a volley of fire arrows into the Ice Net to free his brothers. He then dove into the cavern, quickly dodging to the side in order to avoid any other surprises the dragon had waiting. Surveying the area he spotted the fearsome beast standing on an ice pillar thrusting up from the floor of the gigantic cavern.

Sir Grayson watched Sir Ben rush in "There goes another one," thinking of the trap Sir Griffon and Sir Dyson fell into. Flaring his Fire Sword even hotter, he held his Fire Shield high and rushed in to do battle. Seeing Sir Griffon and Sir Dyson in the Ice Net, he started to move towards it to free them but turned away when he saw Sir Ben's fire arrows melting them free.

Meanwhile, Sir Ben was shooting fire arrows at the dragon atop his ice pillar. Icy was blasting jets of ice at the nimble Knight but was unable to hit him with a direct blast. However, Sir Ben's heat bubble was being worn away by the extreme cold of the dragon breath.

"Hey Icy, you going to come down and fight like a dragon or not?" shouted Sir Grayson. This made Icy furious and he turned his deadly breath upon Sir Grayson. As the wave of cold and ice crashed like an avalanche down upon Sir Grayson, Sir Ben took advantage of the opportunity to shoot 2 fire arrows into Icy's mouth. The didn't do much damage, but they did cut short the blast of cold death that was striking Sir Grayson. Satisfied that he had turned the mouthy Knight into a popsicle, Icy turned his attention back to Sir Ben.

Sir Ben's fire arrows had melted enough of the Ice Net that Sir Griffon used his great strength to break free from the ice. He smashed Sir Dyson free with a mighty blow from his powerful fists. Sir Dyson swung his magic hammer and smashed the 2 Knights free from the Ice Net. Drawing his arm back, Sir Dyson threw his hammer into the base of the ice pillar. With a resounding CRACK! the hammer smashed into the pillar and blasted it's way out the other side. The impact sent cracks rapidly through the rest of the pillar and it exploded into a hail of ice shards. Icy began to drop and the pillar fell to the floor beneath her. Unfurling his wings the dragon caught its fall and hovered in the air, halting his bombardment of Sir Ben in order to see what had destroyed his favorite resting place.

Eager to get into the battle, Sir Griffon searched for something to help him take the battle to the dragon. High above the dragon, he spotted just what he was looking for. Sir Griffon threw his Vorpal Axe spinning into the sky, it struck the giant icicle hanging directly above Icy and severed it completely. Like a frozen thunderbolt, the giant icicle dropped straight towards Icy, point glimmering in the light. An instant before the icicle plunged into his back, Icy sensed his danger and lurched to the side. The Icicle missed his body, but struck his wing, piercing it and dragging the dragon downwards. The icicle finally tore through the dragon's wing and it struggled to stay aloft.

Using some of his magic power, the dragon healed the ragged holes in his wing caused by the icicle. Unfortunately, Icy was still being peppered with fire arrows from Sir Ben, which was causing him to use most of his magic to protect himself from the onslaught.

Sir Logan saw Sir Griffon's plan to bring the dragon to the ground in order to fight it hand to claw so he sent a shockwave booming across the cavern roof. It caused the rest of the icicles to fall, striking the dragon's body and shredding his wings. With its wings in tatters the dragon plummeted to the ground.

With a resounding crash, Icy smashed into the cavern floor. Icy was severely wounded from the fall, the icicle impacts, and the many fire arrows Sir Ben had hit it with. But he was still confident that he could beat the puny Knights. The Knights didn't know that it had a magic healing potion that would bring it back to full strength. Reaching into a hidden pouch on it's side, Icy reached for the potion and drank it down. The potion had immediate effect on Icy, his wings were healed, his wounds disappeared and his magic was replenished.

With a terrifying roar the refreshed dragon rose like a spirit of Cold Winter's Night towering over Sir Dyson and Sir Griffon.

Suddenly, like a Phoenix reborn, Sir Grayson exploded from the ice tomb the Frost Dragon had encased him in. Flames blasting in all directions from his fire shield, his magic sword burning with the might of the Desert Sun, Sir Grayson drove his sword deep into the back of the Frost Dragon.

With a roar of pain, Icy felt, ironically, the cold grip of death, grab his soul. The burning of the fire sword, the stings of Sir Ben's fire arrows, the searing pain of Sir Logan's fireballs, the bone crushing impact of Sir Dyson's magic hammer, and finally, the end to it all as Sir Griffon's Vorpal Axe severed Icy's head.

The people of Gunkirk were joyous because Icy was dead. Then the Knights safely returned home to the castle……and finished eating their breakfast.

"Boy am I hungry," said Sir Dyson "I never got to finish my pancake."

To Be Continued…..
