
Princess Boston and the Fightless

It was on a fine autumn day that the Princess Boston decided that she ought to take a trip to visit her cousins. So she packed her bag, strapped on her bow and arrows, pulled on her cloak and set out. It was a lovely time of year and the Princess felt like stretching her legs, so opted to leave her trusty stead Snowflake behind and walk.

Little did the Princess know that her brave cousins had had the same idea. They had strapped on their swords, adjusted their shields, mounted their horses and ridden out. Neither they nor Princess Boston knowing of the other's plans.

The forest that the Princess had to go through to reach her cousins was called The Stangle Strip, a dark and noisy place where many great beasts lived. Boston was unafraid, especially since she possessed the Light Bracelet. A powerful magical artifact that gave its wearer the ability to see in the dark. The first day went well, although danger lurked around her Princess Boston was able to see the enemy before they pounced. That night she built her camp beneath a great tree and with her back firmly placed against it's trunk, the fire crackling between her and the darkness, she drifted off to sleep.

When she woke the next morning somehting terrible had happened, her bow and arrows had been stolen! She could only assume it was the work of the tiny Ianites, known for their mischief and bad habits of carrying off interesting things. But Boston was undeterred, she was brave and crafty, the loss of her bow was a minor problem, easily fixed.

Well, it would have been had it not been for the Evil Baron Victor who had seen Boston wandering through the forest, in search of a wood to make another bow, and decided that such beauty was what his castle needed. So he cast his magical spells upon her. The Princess was trapped, caught in the horrible Fightless Spell that Victor was known for. Her fate seemed certain, she would be his wife unless someone could help her. An unlikely chance.

It was a few days later that the Five Brave Winsor's were resting their horses along a stream deep in The Stangle Strip. Suddenly the smallest, and most observant of the bunch cried out in surprise. His brothers whirled around to see him staring at what looked to be a large and very old tree.

"What is it little brother?" asked Sir Grayson, the oldest and wisest of them all.

"It may be nothing, but I think it is more, I think our gentle cousin has been here, and recently." the group came to see and little Dyson traced the markings of a slender foot in the dirt. "Truly only one woman would brave this forest alone and unaided."

"Truly! But if it be so then we must find her, for that is the purpose of our journey." said the ever thoughtful Sir Griffon.

So they followed the tracks, winding in and out of the forest until they came out into a great clearing where a gray and dreary castle stood in the center.

"This isn't good." the quiet Sir Benjamin said.

"Indeed, if she has come to this place it can only have been against her will." Sir Grayson stated, "We must find her at once."

And so it fell to the cunning Sir Logan to scale the castle walls up to the highest tower, where to his great relief and apprehesnsion he found his cousin, queitly sitting next to her open cell door.

"The Fightless!" he exclaimed, and rushing to her side bid her follow him. Not being able to fight, the Princess followed. Down the dark stairwells, through the dank kitchen and out the back door to the rest of her waiting cousins.

"She is under the Fightless." Sir Logan told them immediately, "We must remove her to her castle and find a remedy."

"Shhh!" cried Sir Dyson, "I hear something!"

And sure enough they all turned to hear the great roar of a dragon. They had been discovered, their rescue was in danger. They rushed for the banks of a nearby river, throwing themselves into it's protection only moments before great dragon flames burnt the ground where they had stood. Yet to their horror, their cousin began to sink, unable once again to fight her way to the surface. Sir Benjamin swam to her and dragged her to the surface, where they all kicked their way down the river.

When they finally emerged to rest, night had fallen and the darkness of the forest consumed them.

"We will never get out!" cried Sir Griffon.

"No worries," Sir Dyson said as he reached for Princess Boston's hand, "She has the Light Bracelet, if one of us but hold her hand we will be able to see and lead the rest."

"I will take the duty upon myself, dear brother's." Sir Grayson said. And he grabbed the hand of Boston and led them through the dark night away from the castle.

Far above them they could hear the roars of the dragon and shivered with fright. The Princess walked on uncaring. Finally as the sun began to shine upon the horizon, the Five Winsor's broke through the forests edge and seeing the great home of the Princess, rejoiced.

Sir Logan ran on ahead to warn Prince Alexander of his sister's dire condition. And when the rest arrived, Grayson gently leading his cousin, the handsome, and highly opinionated, Prince Alexander was waiting.

"Well what was she thinking going out there alone!" he cried, sadness and worry clear on his face. "I have ordered our strongest magician's to come, but I have a thought. Follow me."

And so they came to the stables of Snowflake and Forge. Forge stamped the feet and whinnyed at the sight of the Prince, but it was Snowflake who they had come to see.

Alexander explained, My sister and her horse are the greatest of friends, nothing has stood between them, they have fought goblins, and abominable snowmen, orcs and trolls, I think that Snowflake can bring my sister around."

And so it was that the magnificent horse pressed her nose upon her master, Princess Boston instantly came around, blinking in confusion.

I think, said the little Dyson, that we should explain it all to her over dinner."

Sir Grayson laughed, but it was Benjamin and Griffon that clapped their youngest brother on the back then ran to prepare the banquet.
